Coalescing poetry and nonfiction, the micro-memoirs written by American poet laureate Beth Ann Fennelly portrays childhood memories and everyday observations. These five teaching packs guide students to revisit their experiences, emotions and reflect on their interaction with others. 

Beth Ann Fennelly


Beth Ann Feeley, the poet laureate of Mississippi, has won grants from the N.E.A., United States Artists, and a Fulbright to Brazil.  Her sixth book, Heating & Cooling: 52 Micro-Memoirs (W. W. Norton) was an Atlanta Journal Constitution Best Book and a Goodreaders Favorite.

Micro-memoirs by

Beth Ann Fennelly

Heating & Cooling: 52 Micro-Memoirs (W.W. Norton).

Heating & Cooling: 52 Micro-Memoirs (W.W. Norton).

“One Doesn_t Always Wish to Converse on Airplanes”

“Safety Scissors”

“Small Fry”

“Two Phone Conversations”

“Your Turn”


Cyril Wong